


A study of the usage behavior of users of professional tennis player Hsieh, Shu-Wei's official Facebook fan page




詹宏文(Hung-Wen Chan);蔡文程(Wen-Chen Tsai);沈志堅(Chin-Chien Shen)


網球 ; 運動明星 ; 官方粉絲專頁 ; 科技接受模式 ; Tennis ; Sports Star ; Facebook ; Official Fan Page ; Technology Acceptance Model




13卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


45 - 61




本研究採用科技接受模式作為研究架構,旨在探討謝淑薇官方粉絲團之使用者其使用行為模式之情況。研究使用問卷調查法進行,並在樣本回收後透過結構方程模式進行資料之配適度分析、驗證式因素分析及假設檢定等分析。本研究以便利取樣之方式,透過網路發放問卷,共計發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷400份,有效回收率100.0%,所得之樣本資料以SPSS12.0 forWindows 及Amos 20.0兩套軟體進行分析。研究結果顯示使用者之知覺有用性顯著正向影響態度、知覺有用性、知覺易用性、態度顯著正向影響行為傾向;而知覺易用性和知覺有用性兩項構面未對態度構面具有顯著之影響。根據本研究之結果,研究者提出四點建議:一、結合其他專業網站,建置資源共享機制。二、舉辦線上球迷會,增強球迷使用態度。三、注意討論區之留言品質,避免無謂留言洗版。四、利用實體獎勵鼓勵粉絲對外分享粉絲團資訊。希望本研究之結果與相關建議可以作為未來粉絲團經營管理者及後續研究者於管理及研究之用。


The present study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its basic research framework, with the aim of exploring the usage behavior of users of the official Facebook fan page of professional tennis player Hsieh Shu-Wei. The study makes use of a questionnaire survey, on the results of which goodness-of-fit analysis is performed using structural equation modeling, along with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and hypothesis testing. The study uses the convenience sampling method, with an online questionnaire survey administered to 400 respondents; 400 valid questionnaires were returned, giving an effective response rate of 100.0 %. Analysis of the sample data obtained from the questionnaire survey was performed using SPSS 12.0 for Windows and AMOS 20.0. The research results obtained in the study showed that perceived usefulness had a significant positive impact on users’ attitude towards the fan page; perceived ease of use had a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use had a significant negative impact on attitude; perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude all had a significant positive impact on behavioral disposition. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, the author puts forward four recommendations: (1) Collaboration should be undertaken with other specialist websites, to build a resource-sharing mechanism. (2) Online fan meetings could be held to help give fans a more positive attitude towards the fan page. (3) More attention should be paid to the quality of the messages left in the fan page's discussion area, to avoid a situation where the page becomes flooded with irrelevant messages. (4) Physical prizes can be used to encourage fans to share information about the fan page with outsiders. It is anticipated that the results obtained in this study will provide a useful reference for persons involved in the management of official fan pages and for scholars undertaking research in this area.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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