


The Research of Soccer Participation Behaviors Intention




洪宏禎(Hung-Chen Huang);吳勤榮(Chin-Jung Wu);徐茂洲(Mao-Chou Hsu)


足球俱樂部 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 結構方程模式 ; Football Club ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; Structural Equation Eodeling




13卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


38 - 60




本研究目的在驗證「高雄地區足球俱樂部參與足球運動行為傾向模式」,以Ajzen (1985) 計畫行為理論為理論基礎驗證變項間關係。本研究以立意取樣進行抽樣,研究方法以統計工具軟體SPSS 12.0 進行描述性統計;再以AMOS 20.0 進行結構方程模式(SEM)分析,驗證高雄地區足球俱樂部參與足球運動者行為之模式。研究結果顯示參與足球運動者以男性、20 歲(含)以下、大學及專科院校、未婚、學生、20,001~50,000 元之人數最多,高雄地區足球俱樂部參與足球運動行為傾向模式具有良好適配度與信效度。根據研究結果提出具體建議:(一)俱樂部規劃辦理足球訓練課程並參加正式或交流性質比賽活動,提升足球俱樂部會員參與足球運動機會提高參與興趣;(二)建議後續研究可擴大研究範圍,更進一步瞭解計畫行為理論模式來研究參與足球運動行為傾向。


The purpose of the research was to prove the models of the soccer participation behaviors intention for the soccer clubs in Kaohsiung. Based on the Ajzen's theory- Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB (1985), the subjects in the research had, the more positive intention they had. With purposive sampling, The research method was SPSS 12.0. The author used it to do descriptive statistics analysis. Furthermore, the author used AMOS 20.0 to do structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. They were used to prove the models of the soccer participation behaviors intention for the soccer clubs in Kaohsiung. The research showed that the soccer participation male, age under 20, college degree, unmarried, student, 20,001-50,000 were the main participants , soccer participation behaviors intention for the soccer clubs in Kaohsiung had good goodness of fit, good reliability and good validity. According to the conclusion of the research, the author gave two suggestions. The first was that the clubs should hold soccer training courses, and join in formal races, and communicate with others. The ways could attract and promote the members' interests in the clubs. The second was that the further study could expand the range of the subjects.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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