


The Investigation of the Essential of College Judo Athletes’ Benefit of Behavior




陳南福(Nan-Fu Chen)


自我能力認知 ; 全國大專校院運動會 ; 量級 ; Self-Competence ; National College Games ; Bodyweight




15卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14




目的:本研究探索影響選手運動表現及體態的根本,再提出有利於選手於籌備比賽的實質建議;研究對象:參與中華民國106 年全國大專校院運動會的柔道選手。施測時間為2017 年4 月2 日至2017 年4 月27 日,共計有效問卷回收為337 份,有效回收率為96.28 %;研究方法:本研究採用Smart PLS2.0 統計軟體,分析信效度及各變項路徑關係;結果:(1)大專校院柔道選手睡眠品質對選手態度具有顯著正向影響,路徑係數為 .453。(2)大專校院柔道選手飲食品質對選手態度具有顯著正向影響,路徑係數為 .264。(3)大專校院柔道選手訓練品質對選手態度具有顯著正向影響,路徑係數為 .226。(4)大專校院柔道選手態度對行為效益具有顯著正向影響,路徑係數為 .481。(5)大專校院柔道選手生活品質(睡眠、飲食、訓練)透過選手態度對行為效益產生中介效果,其為 .454;結論:選手須做好萬全的準備迎戰,睡眠、飲食及訓練若能分配妥當,那麼選手無論心理、生理皆能獲得充裕的建構機會與恢復,當選手精神、體態層面保有良好的狀態,心理朝正向發展,行為效益卓著成效。


Purpose: This study explored the essential of influencing athletes performance and physical condition, and made substantive proposals for the athlete in preparation for the game. Object of study: The judo athletes of the Republic of China National College Games in 2017. The questionnaires were collected from April 2, 2017 to April 27, 2017, there were 337 valid questionnaires and the effective rate of 96.28 %. Method: Including factor analysis, path analysis and goodness of fit by SmartPLS 2.0 statistical software. Result: (1)Sleep quality of the judo athletes has significantly impact on attitude and beta is .453; (2)Diet quality of the judo athletes has significantly impact on attitude and beta is .264; (3)Training quality of the judo athletes has significantly impact on attitude and beta is .226; (4)Attitude of the judo athletes has significantly impact on benefit of behavior and beta is .481; (5)The quality of life (Sleep, Diet and Training) show significant influence on the benefit of behavior through such mediating effects of Attitude of the judo athletes. Finding: Athletes should be the perfect match for sleep, diet and training. If the three can be properly assigned, players regardless of physical, mental and health can get enough strength and recovery opportunities. When the athletes to establish a good quality of life, the psychological and behavior can be better.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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