


The Relationships among Self-talk, Efficacy and Performance of Volleyball Athletes: College Students in Northern and Central Taiwan




鄧政偉(Cheng-Wei Teng);張可欣(Ko-Hsin Chang);洪至祥(Chih-Hsiang Hung)


排球 ; 心理技能訓練 ; 自我對話 ; 運動表現 ; 自信心 ; Volleyball ; Psychological Skills Training ; Self-Talk ; Sports Performance ; Self-Confidence




15卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


28 - 42




本研究的主要目的為:探討排球運動員實施心理技能訓練-自我對話,對自我效能及表現的影響與模式驗證。受試者為台灣北、中部參與排球隊一學期的大學生。研究工具為自我對話、自我效能與自我表現三量表,(一)前測:有效問卷105 份,有效問卷率為86.78 %,以Cronbach's Alpha 與探索性因素分析檢測量表信、效度;(二)正式測試:有效問卷200 份,有效問卷率為83.68 %,以結構方程模式驗證自我對話、效能與表現的影響與模式建構。本研究結果為:(一)假設一:排球運動員自我對話顯著正向影響自我效能 (β = .521, p < .05)、假設二:排球運動員自我效能顯著正向影響自我表現(β = .574, p < .05)、假設三:排球運動員自我對話經由自我效能間接正向影響自我表現 (β = .299, p < .05);(二)模式建構:「自我效能」的R^2 為27.20%、「自我表現」的R^2 為32.90 %,模式適配值(GOF)為 .453。研究結論為:心理技能訓練-自我對話能對於排球運動員有建立信心的作用,讓運動員發揮優好的運動表現。固然,本研究希望於未來學術及實務方面均具有參考作用。


The purpose of the study was: to explore the effect and model fit of psychological skills training-self-talk on self-efficacy and performance of volleyball athletes. The subjects of the study were: college students in northern and central Taiwan participate volleyball team during a semester. The questionnaire consisted of three sections about self-talk, self-efficacy and self-performance. (1) Pre-test: one hundred and five questionnaires were returned (86.78 %), and using Cronbach's alpha and exploratory factor analysis to measure the reliability and validity of the scale; (2) Formal test: two hundred questionnaires were returned (83.68 %), and using structural equation modeling to confirm the effect and model fit of self-talk, self-efficacy and performance. The results of the study were: (1) H1: self-talk of volleyball athletes has a positive effect on self-efficacy (β = .521, p < .05), H2: self-efficacy of volleyball athletes has a positive effect on self-performance (β = .574, p < .05) and H3: self-talk of volleyball athletes has a indirectly positive effect on self-performance through self-efficacy (β = .299, p < .05); (2) Model fit: R^2 of self-efficacy and self-performance are 27.20 % and 32.90 % and goodness of fit (GOF) is .453. Conclusions were: psychological skills training-self-talk helps the volleyball athletes build confidence and get them better athletic performance. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results of the study will be useful in future academic and practical aspects.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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