


The Relationship Between Passion and Subjective Well-being in Sport Volunteers: the Mediating Role of Rumination




徐郁倫(Yu-Lun Hsu);林育苹(Yu-Ping Lin);陳寬裕(Kuan-Yu Chen)


諧和式熱情 ; 強迫式熱情 ; 多向度反芻思考 ; 體育志工 ; 主觀幸福感 ; Harmonious Passion ; Obsessive Passion ; Multidimensional Rumination ; Sport Volunteer ; Subjective Well-being




16卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


23 - 46




由於常運用於有償工作的心理因素並不適用於志願服務工作,此外,雖然Carpentier et al.(2012)曾驗證反芻思考於熱情與幸福感間的中介效果,但該研究對反芻思考僅以單一構面衡量且認為其應為負向情緒因素。因此,嘗試從反芻思考的多元特質探索其對正、負向情緒、生活滿意度的影響力。經蒐集307有效樣本,並應用結構方程模型分析後,結果顯示,多向度反芻思考確實會於活動熱情與主觀幸福感的關係間扮演著中介角色,此外,本研究亦針對研究結論提出若干管理意涵,期能提供政府相關單位及運動休閒產業在經營管理上的參考,並提出後續可朝向的研究方向之建議。


Because motivators that are used for paid work usually do not apply to volunteering, a number of studies have been undertaken to unravel why people decide to volunteer. Past researches have revealed that rumination (using single construct measurement) paly a mediating role in the relationship between passion and subjective well-being (Carpentier et al. 2012). Yet measures of rumination appear to index multiple constructs that may be differentially related to clinical phenomena. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the mediating role of multidimensional rumination between both types of passion and subjective well-being. Using a sample of 307 sport volunteers in Taiwan, this study applies Structural Equation Model (SEM) to verify the proposed model. The result shows that multidimensional rumination indeed play the mediating role in the relationship between passion and subjective well-being. Based on conclusions, this study proposed managerial implications for the authorities concerned and the leisure industry as well as suggestions for future researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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