The purpose of this study is to verify the behavioral tendency pattern of college students participating in football sport with the help of the theory of planning behavior. In this study, football playing students from Kaohsiung University are selected as research object. Sampling was conducted from April 2, 2020 to May 15, 2020. A total of 300 questionnaires were collected from the football field at Kaohsiung University, deducting 31 incomplete ones, a total of 269 questionnaires were valid. By using Amos20.0 statistics software, a series of rigorous statistical analysis, such as convergent validity, differential validity, model fitness and path analysis, were used to verify the behavioral tendency pattern of college students participating in football sport. The results show that hypothesis one: the attitude of college students participating in football sport has a significant effect on behavioral tendency; hypothesis two: the subjective norms of college students participating in football sport have a significant effect on behavioral tendency; hypothesis three: the behavior control perception of college students participating in football sport has a significant effect on behavioral tendency. Finally, according to the results of the study, specific suggestions such as how to develop football associations, hold football games, and let college students experience the fun of football were presented.
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