
A Study on the Relationship between Passion and Burnout in Sport Volunteers: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment






平雅朋(Pinyapat Kiatsakared);陳寬裕(Kuan-Yu Chen)


Sports Volunteers ; Passion ; Burnout ; Organizational Commitment ; 運動志工 ; 工作熱情 ; 工作倦怠 ; 組織承諾




18卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


92 - 113




This study focused on the reasons why sport volunteers decide to engage in such voluntary services. There are currently few empirical studies on organizational commitment in personal traits (passion) and psychological traits (burnout) whether there is a mediating variable between them. After collecting the data of 331 sports volunteers, this study found that the sports volunteers who have harmonious passion tend to have higher affective commitment. On the contrary, those who have obsessive passion tend to have higher and continuance commitment as well as normative commitment. Therefore, this study validates that the organizational commitment indeed plays the mediating role between passion and burnout. Finally, this study offers a few suggestions based on empirical results as the reference for future research.



主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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