


The Evaluation of the Effect of Tui-na in Decreasing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness




陳進忠(Chin-Chung Chen);趙叔蘋(Shu-Pin Chao);林貴福(Kuei-Fu Lin)


最大自主等速離心收縮運動 ; 肌肉酸痛指數 ; 肘關節活動角度 ; 肌肉腫脹 ; 肌酸激酶 ; Maximal isokinetic voluntary eccentric contraction MIVEC ; Muscle soreness index MSI ; Range of motion ROM ; Muscle swelling circumferences MSC ; Creatine kinase CK




3輯(2005 / 12 / 16)


63 - 76




The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Tui-na in decreasing delayed onset muscle soreness. 15 healthy volunteer male students, divided into two groups at random, served as subjects, through Cybex 6000 equal speed measuring instrument, given the maximal isokinetic voluntary eccentric contraction (MIVEC) with 60 degree per second, and 30 times per round, to stimulate the phenomenon of muscle soreness of non-dominant hand's biceps bracihii and divided into two groups at random. No any treatment to the control group. The experimental group was given Tui-na ten minutes after exercise and on the 2nd to 7th day simultaneously for two minutes. The muscle soreness index (MSI), range of motion (ROM), muscle swelling circumferences (MSC) and the active index of creatine kinase (CK) were measured pre-during- post the exercise. The data analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: The muscle soreness differed statistically significantly between pre- during and post time (p<.05) in the interaction effect; range of motion and creatine kinase both reached a significant difference with timing variable (p<.05). There was no significant difference in the muscle swelling circumferences (p>.05) between pre- during and post time. Conclusion: During the occasion of muscle soreness resulting from exercise, if Tui-na is given during the first stage of soreness, soreness can be effectively reduced. But soreness can be increased if Tui-na was given during an advanced stage of soreness. Nevertheless, muscle damage doesn’t increase and impede the healing of the muscle.


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Tui-na in decreasing delayed onset muscle soreness. 15 healthy volunteer male students, divided into two groups at random, served as subjects, through Cybex 6000 equal speed measuring instrument, given the maximal isokinetic voluntary eccentric contraction (MIVEC) with 60 degree per second, and 30 times per round, to stimulate the phenomenon of muscle soreness of non-dominant hand's biceps bracihii and divided into two groups at random. No any treatment to the control group. The experimental group was given Tui-na ten minutes after exercise and on the 2nd to 7th day simultaneously for two minutes. The muscle soreness index (MSI), range of motion (ROM), muscle swelling circumferences (MSC) and the active index of creatine kinase (CK) were measured pre-during- post the exercise. The data analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: The muscle soreness differed statistically significantly between pre- during and post time (p<.05) in the interaction effect; range of motion and creatine kinase both reached a significant difference with timing variable (p<.05). There was no significant difference in the muscle swelling circumferences (p>.05) between pre- during and post time. Conclusion: During the occasion of muscle soreness resulting from exercise, if Tui-na is given during the first stage of soreness, soreness can be effectively reduced. But soreness can be increased if Tui-na was given during an advanced stage of soreness. Nevertheless, muscle damage doesn’t increase and impede the healing of the muscle.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 體育學
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