


The Analysis of Explosive Power and Body Type between Young Female Aborigine and Non-aborigine




陳文詮(Wen-Chyuan Chen);趙淑員(Shu-Yuan Chao)


原住民 ; 爆發力 ; Aborigines ; Explosive power ; body type




4輯(2006 / 06 / 01)


93 - 105




The purpose of the study was to analyze the difference of explosive power and body type between young female aboriginal and non-aboriginal students. A longitudinal survey of 2785 female college students aged 16±1.2y in Taoyuan was undertaken. Height, weight, vertical jump and stand long jump were measured, besides the vertical jump and stand long jump were as the index of explosive power. All of them were analyzed the difference. The results appeared that young female aboriginal vertical jump and stand long jump were better (p<0.05) than non-aborigine, but there is no difference on body weight. So, we concluded that 1.) The young female aboriginal height was lower than non-aboriginal student's, but the BMI value was higher than non-aboriginal student's. 2.) the female aboriginal student's explosive power was better than non-aboriginal student's.


The purpose of the study was to analyze the difference of explosive power and body type between young female aboriginal and non-aboriginal students. A longitudinal survey of 2785 female college students aged 16±1.2y in Taoyuan was undertaken. Height, weight, vertical jump and stand long jump were measured, besides the vertical jump and stand long jump were as the index of explosive power. All of them were analyzed the difference. The results appeared that young female aboriginal vertical jump and stand long jump were better (p<0.05) than non-aborigine, but there is no difference on body weight. So, we concluded that 1.) The young female aboriginal height was lower than non-aboriginal student's, but the BMI value was higher than non-aboriginal student's. 2.) the female aboriginal student's explosive power was better than non-aboriginal student's.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 體育學
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