
台灣閱聽眾之實境/真人秀《Running Man》節目觀看的「迷」身份實踐


The Practice of Fan Identity : Analyzing Reality Show《Running Man》and its Taiwanese Audience


許如婷(Ju-Ting Hsu)


迷 ; 實境真人節目 ; 閱聽人 ; 韓流 ; Audience ; Fan Cultures ; Korean Wave ; Reality TV ; Running Man




10卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


25 - 55




本研究以兼具跨國、實境/真人秀特質的《Running Man》為文本,探討跨國節目與台灣迷群的關係,以及迷群自身之多重身份的認同實踐,並援引深度訪談、文本分析為取徑探究。研究發現,在一連串的媒介實踐過程中,在地迷群衍生對韓國生活的想像;扮演偷窺者的角色,監視偶像真實面貌;享受節目的競逐觀看快感;甚或無止盡浸泡於相關媒體,捕獵偶像文本;並視跨媒體為溝通平台,與其它跨國迷群形成「感受社群」(community of sentiment),展演自我認同。


This study is an attempt to examine the interrelationship between Korean reality show "Running Man" and its fans in Taiwan. There are four crucial aspects of the transmedia practice of Taiwanese Running Man fans. Firstly, the fans give rise to their own imagination of Korean life, especially scenery and food. Then, they become voyeurs who constantly monitor the "real" life of Korean idols. Moreover, Running Man fans actively exercise text poaching, creating and sharing transmedia materials based on original programming. Finally, Taiwanese fans are part of the global "community of sentiment" of the show, demonstrating their collective fan identity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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