


Teaching Multiculturalism in College Classrooms: Application and Reflection


何祥如(Hsiang-Ju Ho);謝國斌(Kuo-Pin Hsieh)


多元文化主義 ; 多元文化教育 ; 族群 ; Multiculturalism ; Multicultural Education ; Ethnic Group




11卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27




本文的主要目的在於分享我們在大學課堂中開設多元文化主義相關課程的教學經驗,具體探究的課程包括:開設於幼兒教育學系的大學部選修課程「多元文化與家庭」、碩士班的「多元文化教育研究」,以及屬於通識教育課程的「多元文化與族群」等3 門科目。基於多元文化主義的信念,本文首先闡明多元文化主義的意義與重要性,以及我們多元文化主義的學思歷程。其次,介紹我們所授課程之教學目標、教學主題與內容,以及教學策略。最後則是分享我們的教學省思,以及以下3 點建議:一、採用多種合作學習策略能增進學生彼此了解,符合多元文化主義之精神。二、跨文化了解須注意莫流於表面而不夠深入。三、多元文化態度之發展非一蹴可幾,須長期持續努力。


The purpose of this article is to share our teaching experience of three multiculturalism-related courses in college. Based on the beliefs of multiculturalism, first we expound the meaning and the significance of multiculturalism, as well as our intellectual journey as multiculturalists. Second, using the multiculturalism courses that we have taught as examples, we share our course objectives, course content and instructional strategies. These courses include two courses offered by an early childhood education program, Multiculturalism and Family for undergraduate students, and Research on Multicultural Education for graduate students, and one general education course, Multiculturalism and Ethnic Groups. Finally, we discuss our reflexive thoughts and propose our suggestions as follows: (1) Collaborative learning strategies increase students’ understanding to each other and are consistent with the spirit of multiculturalism. (2) It is important to make sure that the cross cultural understanding is deep enough, not superficial. (3) Multicultural attitudes cannot be developed within a short period of time; continuous efforts are needed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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