


The Perception of Male-gender Identity and Implications in Yoga Participations




陳柏如(Po-Ju Chen);許雅雯(Ya-Wen Hsu)


男性氣概 ; 女性化特質 ; 性別鬆動 ; 媒體文化 ; masculinity ; femininity ; gender role release ; media culture




14卷2期(2015 / 08 / 31)


91 - 101




長久以來運動場域一直為具有傳統男性氣概的群體所主宰,過去關於女性所受到的限制與歧視已經有許多不同面向的研究探討,但另一群性別角色刻板印象的可能受害者─參與女性化運動的男性─則較少受到關注,因此本研究之目的即在於探索男性參與瑜珈運動的經驗與性別反思。研究以質性訪談方式進行,以立意取樣配合滾雪球抽樣,訪談男性瑜珈參與者四名,另外加上一名男性瑜珈教師、一名女性瑜珈教師,與一名女性瑜珈參與者,總計訪談7名對象。訪談結果依循內容分析法進行資料分析。研究結果發現透過實際參與,瑜珈能轉化性別分野(gender dichotomy)、並讓參與者對於活動有了新的詮釋,顯示性別角色鬆動是能透過實際的身體體驗達成的。此外更重要的是媒體所包裝的瑜珈女性化形象對於參與者的動機和選擇有重大影響,也顯示媒體文化成為性別角色刻板印象的共謀。


Sport is traditionally considered to be a site of male-dominated profession. Although previous research has widely investigated the prejudice and conflict of gender in, focusing exclusively on female participating in masculine sport may not allow complete understanding of influences of stereotypes in sports domain. The purpose of the present study was to explore the experience of male in feminized physical activities (yoga as an example) and the reflection of gender ideology. Using purposive sampling, snowball sampling, and qualitative semi-structured interviews, experience of four males yoga participants, one female yoga participant, as well as one male and one female yoga teachers, were gathered and analyzed. The results indicated that gender dichotomy could be released and new annotations about gender role would emerge from yoga participation. Furthermore, the analysis found that the feminine images emphasized by media has important influence on people's motivation and choices of activity. Gender role stereotype was embedded deeply in sports through media culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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