


Research on Taekwondo Techniques and Scoring for Electronic Point Scoring System




簡億鑫(Yi-Hsin Chien);陳君鳳(Chun-Feng Chen);王俊傑(Chun-Chieh Wang);許夆池(Chih-Feng Hsu);王元聖(Yuan-Sheng Wang)


技術分析 ; Dae-Do ; KP&P ; technique analysis




14卷3期(2015 / 12 / 31)


126 - 136




本研究目的主要針對2012倫敦奧運及2014仁川亞運前四強男女跆拳道選手,對於電子護具系統的得分動作之分析。研究方法以觀察法紀錄奧運會第一、二量級選手共24人20場及亞運會第一至四量級選手共32人24場賽程為研究對象。以描述統計及獨立樣本t檢定為統計方法。研究結果如下:(一)攻擊動作方面,踢擊次數及得分動作部分:奧、亞運踢擊次數及得分動作以後腳旋踢主,360後踢使用最少,但亞運則多360旋踢為零得分動作;得分成功率部分:後腳旋踢分別為奧、亞運最高動作;最低的零得分動作為奧運360後踢、亞運則有360旋踢及 360後踢。(二)攻擊型態方面,奧、亞運主動攻擊部分:後腳旋踢分別為最高的動作,360後踢則各為最少的動作;奧、亞運被動攻擊部分:奧運以後腳旋踢為最高,亞運以前腳旋踢為最高。後腳側踢及360後踢則為奧、亞運最少動作。(三)攻擊動作差異方面,性別部分:發現動作名稱分組與洲際別呈現顯著差異;參賽級別:發現動作名稱分組、洲際別、攻防型態、回合、性別、量級在參賽級別具有顯著差異,但與實際得分卻呈現無顯著差異。本研究建議:建議加強左右後腳旋踢為主要的攻擊得分動作,並針對DAE-DO以踢擊腳的接觸磨擦為主而不講求踢擊力道,而KP&P重視以踢擊腳的準確度及力道重為主的訓練方式。


Purpose: To analyze the scoring techniques on electronic protector and scoring system (PSS) of 2012 London Olympics and 2014 Incheon Asian Games male and female semi-finalists in Taekwondo. Research method: 24 athletes from 20 matches in the fly and feather categories from the London Olympics and 32 athletes from 24 matches in the fin, fly, bantam, and feather weight categories from the Incheon Asian Games were chosen as subjects. The subjects were observed and the scoring techniques they used were recorded. Statistical analysis method: Descriptive statistics and independent t test. Results: 1) Analysis on attacking techniques: (I) Number of kicks and techniques used to score: Back leg turning kick were the most used and with the highest scoring rate for both the Olympics and Asian Games; spinning back kick were used the least but in the Asian Games, there were many spinning attacks but most of them scored zero points. (II) Rate of effective scoring: Back leg turning kick had the highest rate of scoring for both Olympics and Asian Games; the lowest (zero points) techniques were spinning back kick for Olympics and for Asian Games there were spinning back kick and spinning turning kick. 2) Analysis on attacking mode: (I) Back leg turning kick were the most used for active attacking mode and spinning back kick were the least used for both Olympics and Asian Games. (II) For defensive mode, turning kick were the most used in the Olympics and front leg turning kick were the most used in Asian Games. Whereas back leg side kick and spinning back thrust were the least used in Olympics and Asian Games. 3) Analysis on different scoring techniques: (I) it was found that there was difference in the technique names used among different categories and regions by gender. (II) It was found that there was difference in the category, region, attacking mode, number of rounds, gender, weight categories in the type of competition. Conclusion: It was recommended that turning kick for both legs should be strengthened, and for Dae-Do system simple touch and friction will be sufficient and strength is not necessary, whereas KP&P focuses mainly on the accuracy and strength of the attacking leg.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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