


Applying Health Belief Model to Investigate Factors Influencing Behavior Intention of Exercise among Employees in High-Tech Industry




林志偉(Chih-Wei Lin);蕭宗璿(Tsung-Hsuan Hsiao)


知覺疾病威脅 ; 知覺運動障礙 ; 階層迴歸分析 ; perceived threat of disease ; perception of the barriers ; hierarchical regression analysis




14卷3期(2015 / 12 / 31)


57 - 73






This study was aimed to explore the "behavioral intention of exercise" of employees in high-tech industries to consider about the healthy belief model, social supports and self-efficacy. The research targeted high-tech industries' employees from Hsinchu area and it was analyzed by convenient sampling survey method. 600 surveys had been conducted and 583 were valid, in which 383 surveys from males and 200 females. By descriptive statistics, reliability, validity and hierarchical regression analysis, the results of this research as following: "the perception of the benefits of exercise" had the highest impact to the employees from high-tech industries, followed by the "the cues to action", however," the Perceived threat of disease" and "the perception of the barriers of exercise" have no significant impact. Besides, "self-efficacy" had the significant moderation effect on the relation between "the perception of the benefits of exercise" and "the intentions of exercise behaviors." The prediction ability for this relation is 44%. Finally, this research recommends the corporations to develop a health promote target for their employees and setup self-exploration courses that can be integrated with various exercises, in order to encourage their employees to carry out exercise behaviors and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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