


The Influence of Sport Experience and Self-Referenced Competency on Sport Values




楊亮梅(Liang-Mei Yang);陳俊民(Chun-Ming Chen)


運動總量 ; 自覺運動能力 ; 大學生 ; exercise amount ; self-referenced competency ; undergraduate students




15卷1期(2016 / 04 / 30)


136 - 148




個人之價值觀對於道德判斷與行為意圖具有相當高度的影響性,運動價值觀包含了個人性價值、道德性價值、能力性價值及社會性價值四個面向,被認為與個人道德發展具有關係存在。本研究目的則是從競技運動參與層級、休閒運動參與類型及總運動量、或自我運動能力的看法等變項進行探討。共有358位大學生 完成「大學生運動價值觀量表」,資料以單因子變異數分析統計。所得結果顯示不同性別、競技運動層級、運動總量、運動類型及自覺運動力能之運動價值觀皆有顯著的差異,競技運動或團體性休閒運動的參與及自覺運動能力較高的學生,皆對運動價值有更高的評價,男生在個人性及社會性價值觀是顯著高於女生的。根據研究之發現,提出體育教學及提升運動參與的建議,以及未來研究之參考,期望能更有效內化與提升運動價值觀,激發大學生正面的道德判斷發展與利社會行為。


Individual perspective of value has strong influence on moral judgement and behavioral intention. Sport values containing four constructs of personal values, social values, competence values, and moral values has been confirmed the association with the development of individual morality. The purpose of this study was to discover the potential of other influential factors from the aspects of athletic level, sport type, exercise amount, and self-referenced competency. There were 358 data completed by undergraduate students of the Sport-Values Scale and analyzed by one-way MANOVA. The results indicated significantly different sport values on gender, athletic level, sport type, exercise amount, and self-referenced competency. Students with high self-referenced competency and sport or team exercise participation had higher sport values. Males possessed higher personal values and social values than females. Based upon the finding, suggestions were advanced for internalizing and promoting sport values to initiate students’ positive development of moral judgement and prosocial behavior.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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