


The Effects of Different Bouts and Durations of Brisk Walking on Fat Metabolism and Hormone Responses




王宏豪(Hung-Hao Wang);曾明生(Ming-Sheng Tseng);謝伸裕(Sandy H. Hsieh)


單次長時間運動 ; 多次短時間運動 ; 能量消耗 ; 脂肪代謝 ; single bout long duration exercise ; multiple bouts short duration exercise ; energy expenditure ; fat metabolism




15卷1期(2016 / 04 / 30)


15 - 27




背景:現代人由於缺乏勞動,使得代謝症候群發生率提升,但要在繁忙的工作或課業之餘撥出長時間來運動變得很困難。目的:本文以15名健康大學男生為 參與者,探討多次短時間及單次長時間的快走對脂肪代謝與激素反應的影響,期望提高鼓勵運動的說服力。方法:參與者進行單次長時間快走運動(SL) (1次×30分鐘),或多次短時間快走運動(MS)(6次×5分鐘,每次中間休息30分鐘)。資料 收集後以相依樣本t考驗及二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗。結果:MS在運動後 超額攝氧量(EPOC)和恢復期能量消耗顯著高於SL,且MS的總攝氧量和總能 量消耗 (運動期+恢復期)也顯著高於SL;而SL在運動結束後甘油濃度顯著高於運動前,同時也顯著高於同期的MS。結論:多次短時間的運動在恢復期的能量消耗顯著大於單次長時間的運動,且在恢復期脂肪的消耗也較高,建議不易找到長時間運動的人,可採用多次短時間的運動方式,以增加能量和脂肪的消耗。


Introduction: Multiple Bouts of short duration exercise has been recommended by fitness experts as an alternative exercise mode for people who have limited time to exercise. However, the effects of this mode of exercise, especially on fat metabolism and hormone responses, need to be clarified further. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of a single bout of long duration (SL, 1×30 min) and multiple bouts of short duration (MS, 6× 5 min) brisk walking on energy expenditure, fat metabolism, and hormonal response. Methods: Fifteen healthy male college students were served as participants. The SL exercise was one 30-minute brisk walking, and the MS exercise was six bouts of 5 minutes brisk walking on a treadmill with 30 minutes rest between exercise. Results: There was no significant difference between the two treatments on exercise oxygen consumption (EOC), but the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and the total oxygen consumption (exercise+recovery) of MS were significantly higher than SL. Exercise energy expenditure for SL exercise did not differ from MS. Post-exercise energy expenditure (PEE) and total energy expenditure (TEE) for SL were significantly less than MS. Also, the PEE from fat for SL was significantly less than MS. The glycerol concentration of SL during recovery was significantly higher than in the base line, and also significantly higher than MS. Conclusions: Since the energy expenditure was higher and more energy was used from fat for MS exercise, it is suggested that MS exercise could be a better alternative mode than SL exercise for energy expenditure and fat utilization.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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