


The Aerobic Capacity of Elementary School Badminton Players




黃天壽(Tien-shuu Huang);莊正得(Cheng-Te Chuang);楊家豪(Chia-Hao Yang);林明儒(Ming-Ju Lin)


最大攝氧量 ; 有氧運動能力 ; 心肺適能 ; VO_(2max) ; aerobic capacity ; cardiopulmonary endurance




16卷3期(2017 / 12 / 31)


119 - 130




羽球運動是一項兼具趣味且多變化並充滿挑戰性的活動。研究顯示比賽期間平均心跳率達173.5次/分,最大心跳率可高達190.5次/分,其心跳率能達到最大心跳率的89.9%,足以證明羽球是一項高強度的間歇運動。羽球運動推展隨著年齡的成長,生理變化也會隨著不同年齡階段的發育而有所不同,尤其國小階段身體對外在環境的變化也更加敏感。有關評估羽球有氧運動能力的方法,根據心肺耐力指標標準化測驗及環境設備限制考量來說,以實驗室VO2max測驗與Cooper 的12分鐘跑較為羽球教練與選手所採用。過去研究讓優秀羽球選手進行羽球場固定6點的米字型隨機亮燈移位漸進強度方式,以及使用以固定3點連續漸增跑方式來評估羽球選手的專項體能。此外,漸進式有氧心肺耐力跑(PACER)則是預測兒童VO2max的最佳選擇。本文將根據羽球有氧能力評估方式及兒童專項體能評估方式等,蒐集相關文獻分析說明。希望藉由本文的介紹,提供基層羽球教練及選手在國小階段之有氧能力能所參考及瞭解。


Badminton sport is a fun and challenging activity. The study showed that the average heart rate was 173.5 beats/ min and the maximum heart rate could be as high as 190.5 beats per minute during the competition. It also showed that the heart rate can reach 89.9% of the maximum heart rate. The results indicated that badminton sport is a high intensity interval exercise. As for badminton sports development, physical changes will also vary with different age groups. In particular, the primary school student’s body is also more sensitive to changes in the external environment. The assessments of the badminton aerobic capacity is based on the standard tests of cardiopulmonary endurance and the consideration of environmental equipment constraints. The VO_(2max) test in a lab and Cooper's 12-minute run were adopted by most of the badminton coaches and players. In addition, several studies reported the method of a 6-point random pattern of light intensity which required outstanding badminton players shifting at the badminton court, and the method of fixed 3-point incremental running to evaluate badminton players. However, the progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run (PACER) is the best choice for predicting VO_(2max) in children. This article will collect relevant literature analysis and explanation according to the badminton aerobic capacity assessment methods and children's special physical assessment methods. This article will provide some reference to badminton coaches and elementary school players in physical training and test.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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