Corporate sponsorship through sports marketing had become more affirmative and draw attention on marketing strategy for products and the brand promotions. The purpose of this study tried to explore the situation of corporate sponsorship on sports in civil aviation industry. This study used the Emirates Airlines for case study to discuss its marketing strategy. This study used the secondary materials of Emirates Airlines' sponsorship events to discuss the sponsorship strategy of this company. The marketing strategy of Emirates Airlines were as follows: 1. The strategy of corporate sponsorships was affected by its culture and history. 2. The main consideration of sponsorship decision were to increase their corporate image and brand awareness. 3. The main consideration of sponsored events/teams were their popularity and performance. 4. The sponsored events/teams would fit for corporate's market scope and market segment. 5. In order to meet the business level customer, corporate characteristics will affect the chosen variants of sponsored events/teams like golf, tennis, and horse racing. Emirates airlines' marketing strategy could be a paradigm by using sport sponsorship as its main marketing strategy by promoting its brand awareness and corporate image. This strategy highlighted its superiority. It could also be a good reference for corporations making their marketing strategy under the hyper-competitive market of civil aviation industry.
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