


Sociological issues in sports news: an example of the 2022 FIFA World Cup




黃相瑋(Hsiang-Wei Huang);廖偉成(Wei-Cheng Liao)


人權 ; 全球化 ; 社會學 ; human rights ; globalization ; sociology




22卷2期(2023 / 12 / 31)


44 - 72






The importance of news lies in its ability to attract attention and present the real situation of a particular issue, event, or process at the time. The purpose of this study is to explore the high-profile 2022 FIFA World Cup and analyze the sociological issues raised in related news articles so as to promote social attention. The selection of news texts involved two stages. First, 1088 news articles were collected using the keyword "World Cup football". In the second stage, the news was filtered by time, setting the time as one month before and after the 2022 FIFA World Cup schedule. A total of 215 articles were obtained, and 53 articles were selected based on their relevance to sociological issues in the news title or content. A thematic analysis was adopted to analyze and summarize the sociological themes. The results show that the sociological issues discussed in the news reports include gender, race, culture, politics, crime, human rights, economy, and environment. The study only used domestic news reports as textual data and did not reference foreign news reports. Future research could analyze both domestic and foreign news reports to compare differences between Eastern and Western societies, which could lead to a more diverse and in-depth exploration of sociological issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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