


An Analysis of Vietnam's Foreign Policy from the Perspective of Balance of Power


張國城(Kuo-Cheng Chang)


現實主義 ; 權力平衡 ; 越南外交政策 ; realism ; Vietnam diplomacy ; balance of power




10卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


113 - 129






This article seeks to analyze Vietnam's diplomatic policy through the conception of "balance of power" in realism. The argument of the article is the Vietnam's diplomatic situation has remained flexible under the perspective of "balance of power." Since the 1950s to 1990s, in order to receive external assistance against its major threat, Vietnam used the "balance of power" strategy, to cooperate with one power against another power, successfully won two wars and unified the country. During the Vietnam War (1959-75), North Vietnam balanced relations with its major allies: the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China against France and the United States. In 1978, Vietnam invaded Cambodia; it established even closer ties with the Soviet Union to destroy the Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime and against China's invasion. Following the Cold War, there were fundamental changes in the global security system. Vietnam was aware of the transformation of balance of power in the Southeast Asia. Therefore, it changed its diplomatic strategies, withdrew its forces from Cambodia, rejoin the international community for its national interests. the Hanoi regime actively integrated itself into the international and regional organizations such as WTO and ASEAN and improved the relationship with the other countries to maintain and enhance the "balance of power" situation in the Southeast Asia. However, Vietnam still seeks to ally the other powers, the US, Japan and India, to balance the potential pressure from China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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