This article seeks to analyze US diplomatic policy toward Ukraine through the conception of "balance of power" in realism. Almost all the geopolitical actors are applying policies based on this principle of "balance of power." The paper argues that the US policy successes in encouraging Ukraine to abandon its nuclear weapons inherited from the Soviet Union, then assure the balance of power among existing nuclear powers. However, after reviewing the US measures and resources to develop a package of additional assistance to the government of Ukraine in the near term, this paper argues that US failed to obey the principles of "balance of power", assists Ukraine to join the NATO and prevent Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, which has endangered the promise of Ukraine's democratic transition. Moreover, Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula was unlawfully annexed by referendum arranged by pro- Russian separatists backed by Russia in 2014. In fact, the United States doesn't marshal a full package of measures aimed at demonstrating the force of U.S. resolve in the face of unprovoked military intervention and threats. Therefore, Russia now can implement this policy and claim exclusive interest in the region again; the "balance of power" is favored by Moscow in this region.
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