


Analyzing Costa Rica's Unarmed Neutrality from the Perspective of International Relations Theory


蘇彥斌(Yen-Pin Su)


哥斯大黎加 ; 非武裝中立 ; 國際關係理論 ; 集體安全體系 ; 認同 ; Costa Rica ; unarmed neutrality ; international relations theory ; collective security system ; identity




11卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


85 - 105






Why does a country in a relatively peaceful region adopt a neutrality policy? This article examines the case of Costa Rica's unarmed neutrality from the perspective of international relations theory. With its armed forces being abolished in the 1949 Constitution, Costa Rica claimed perpetual neutrality in 1983. In 2014, the Costa Rican National Assembly passed a bill to legalize the state's unarmed neutrality policy, prohibiting the state from involvement in any international wars or domestic armed conflicts in foreign countries. This article argues that liberalist and constructivist theories of international relations facilitate a better understanding of Costa Rica's unarmed neutrality. Specifically, Costa Rica's unarmed neutrality is assured by the regional collective security system, which is an important institution in liberalist theory. Moreover, the unarmed neutrality policy reflects Costa Rican society's cultural identity for peace and security, which is important in constructivist theory.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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