


An Analysis of the Archipelagic Regime of the Philippines: From an International Law Perspective


姜皇池(Huang-chih CHIANG)


菲律賓 ; 群島國制度 ; 群島基線 ; 海洋法公約 ; 無害通過權 ; 群島海道通行權 ; the Philippines ; regime of archipelagic States ; archipelagic baselines ; Law of the Sea Convention ; right of innocent passage ; right of archipelagic sea-lane passage




12卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 53




本文分成五大部分,用以檢視菲律賓的群島基線在國際法下之合法性。除對菲律賓在爭取群島制度的奮鬥過程予以陳述外,並檢視菲國在2009 年所通過之『群島基線法』之相關規定,雖然該法律在有關基線長度、群島水域比規定符合海洋法公約之相關規範,但因菲國有其歷史與政治因素,仍無法賦予外國船舶在菲律賓所主張群島水域內之無害通過權,亦否認外國船舶的群島海道通行權利,因此本文認為菲律賓的『群島基線法』仍未能完成符合『海洋法公約』之規定。


The present article is composed of five parts with the purpose of examining the legality of the Philippines' archipelagic baselines claim in the eyes of international law. In addition to an elaboration of the efforts of the Philippines to legalize the regime of archipelagic States in the international community, this article further examines the relevant provisions of the recently promulgated 2009 Law of Archipelagic Baselines of the Philippines. Although the provisions relating to the length of baselines and water-land ratio as provided in the 2009 Law are in conformity with the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Philippines’s legislation denies the innocent passage and archipelagic sea-lanes passage rights for foreign vessels in the archipelagic waters of the Philippines. Accordingly, this article concludes that the Archipelagic Baselines Law of the Philippines is not in full conformity with the UNCLOS.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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