


The Role of the Government and Relationship between Government and Enterprises: Focused on the Development of Cultural Industries in South Korea


河凡植(Bum-Sig Ha)


韓國 ; 政府角色 ; 文化產業 ; 文化產業政策 ; 政企關係 ; South Korea ; role of the government ; culture industries ; cultural industries policy ; relationship between the government and enterprises




12卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


155 - 180




本研究的目的在於討論在韓國推動文化產業發展的過程中,韓國政府的角色、政府與企業關係。自1998 年韓國政府積極推動文化產業政策以來,韓國的文化產業保持持續成長的態勢,已成為韓國經濟發展的主要產業之一。在文化產業發展過程中,韓國政府扮演了不同的角色與功能。就政府而言,推動文化產業政策的制定,扶植相對弱勢領域的文化企業的發展,進而協助韓流影視相關企業在海外市場的開展。就企業而言,與文化相關的企業在此政府協助的基礎上,積極創作具競爭力的文化商品,同時積極拓展海外市場,因而奠定了韓國文化產品在國際市場上的競爭力。換言之,韓國文化產業的繁榮發展在於政府和企業各自扮演其應有的角色;政府營造有利於文化產業發展的環境,企業則提升的文化商品競爭力,透過此一良性的關係,終於造就韓國文化產業的成長。


The purpose of this project is to discuss role of government and relationship between government and enterprises, during promoting cultural industrial development in South Korea. Since 1998, South Korea's Government actively pursued policy of cultural industries South Korean culture industry has maintained sustained growth. Growth of cultural industry becomes one of the key industries to foster future of country's economy. In the growing process of cultural industry in South Korea, interaction between government and enterprises displayed a significant function. The role of Government and enterprises make a distinction. The role of government is to promote cultural industries policy, on the other side, to foster cultural industry in Non-development sectors such as the cartoon industry, independent film industry, thereby helping business activities of South Korean cultural companies in overseas, for seek balanced development of domestic cultural industry. Based on government support, Enterprise of cultural industry actively creates cultural items as well as creating overseas markets for proliferation of Hallyu (Korean wave) phenomenon. In other words, government and enterprises is to play the role of supporters such as government creates a favorable environment for cultural industries, and enterprises of cultural industry improve competitiveness of cultural items, affecting the growth of Korean culture industry. Both are affecting the growth of South Korean cultural industries through this relationship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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