


The Changing of Singapore's Group Representation Constituency


劉曉鵬(Hsiaopong Liu);黃奕維(I-Wei Huang)


集選區 ; 單選區 ; 李顯龍 ; 李光耀 ; group representation constituency ; single member constituency ; Lee Hsien Loong ; Lee Kuan Yew




13卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


103 - 109+111-116+118-122




集選區是李光耀於1988 年設計的一種團隊參選制。這個制度將非華裔少數族群包括在較多的華人候選人中,一般認為有利於新加坡的種族和諧,更有利於執政黨。作者有二個主要論點。首先,由於錯誤假定少數族群無法在一對一的單選區中競爭,集選區制對族群和諧的助益十分有限。其次,集選區也可能有利於反對黨。這些事實解釋為何李顯龍總理必須迅速開始改革這個制度。


The Group Representation Constituency (GRC) is a team election system designed by Lee Kuan Yew since 1988. The system includes non-Chinese minorities in predominant Chinese candidates, and has been generally believed to be favorable to the ruling party and Singapore's racial harmony. The authors have two main arguments. First, the GRC system is not helpful to racial harmony because it erroneously assumes that non-Chinese minorities cannot win on "one-on-one" Single Member Constituency (SMC) campaign. Second, the GRC can be favorable to the opposition party. Factual evidence presented explains why Premier Lee Hsien Loong must reform this system.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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