


Evaluation of Label Characteristics for Small Packing Rice in Taiwan: The More Label Information the Higher Rice Price?


莊雅琴(Ya-Chin Chuang);吳珮瑛(Pei-Ing Wu);蔡孟珂(Meng-Ke Tsai);劉哲良(Je-Liang Liou)


特徵價格法 ; 願意支付價格 ; 品種產區 ; 包裝外觀 ; 食米安全 ; 購買環境 ; Hedonic price method ; willingness to pay ; variety and location ; packing ; rice safety ; purchase environment




14卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


157 - 195






The purpose of this study is to evaluate the willingness to pay for each label characteristics of small packing rice. Specifically, it is firstly to evaluate the marginal implicit price of each label characteristics. It is then to rank the implicit price for five categories of label characteristics. They are "rice varieties and production locations," "rice safety," "label appearances," "testing," and "purchase environment." The price ranking is made for different combinations of the above five types of label characteristics. Finally, it is to evaluate the total implicit price for the last four label characteristics categories for marketing purpose when small packing rice is produced in specific location with typical variety. The results indicate that the marginal implicit price for rice grown in organic farming and no pesticide residue is positive and has significant impact on the price of small packing rice. Consumers are not willing to pay higher price for the contract farming and rice with traceable system as expected. The marginal implicit price for small packing rice label both with no pesticide residue and frozen storage characteristics is lower than that with only one type of characteristics. This presents that the price of small packing rice is not necessary will be higher when more information is shown in the label. In addition, the price of small packing rice varies when it is sold in the marketing channel of supermarket, convenient store, warehouse, and department store. The department store has suitable purchase environment and then has relatively high price among all marketing channels. It is necessary to evaluate the marginal implicit price for each label characteristics of small packing rice and to have proper marketing promotion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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