


The Choice and Design of U.S. Constitution


紀舜傑(Shun-jie Ji)


美國總統 ; 總統制 ; 三權分立 ; 美國特殊論 ; U.S. president ; presidential system ; separation of powers ; American exceptionalism




15卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


93 - 109






The U.S. Constitution is recognized as the first written constitution in republic form of human history, in which President was the first used to the title of "head of state." The major motivation of U.S. Constitution designers was to avoid the British Monarchy system which had created all problems to the 13 colonies. And under Articles of Confederation period, the central government was not effective governing because of very weak power entitlements. Therefore in the Constitutional Convention there were many arguments on different power designs and eventually reached the great compromise to finalize it. Through the great compromise, the U.S. government was produced and started an experiment that lasted more than 3 centuries. The success of function of U.S. Presidential system relied on institutional design, people's skills, and interactions between U.S. domestic and global developments.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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