


Discussing the Formulation of Japan's Constitution: The Intersection of Reality and Form


李明峻(Ming-Juinn Li)


『日本國憲法』 ; 『明治憲法』 ; 制憲 ; 修憲 ; 憲法制定權力 ; 美國占領當局 ; 盟軍最高司令部 ; Japanese Constitution ; Meiji Constitution ; constitution-making ; constitutional amendment ; constituent power ; US Occupation Authorities ; General Headquarters (GHQ)




16卷1期(2020 / 04 / 01)


159 - 175






The current Constitution of Japan is a constitution that was accepted from the US occupation authorities after United States defeated Japan in WWⅡ. Its content is fundamentally different from the Meiji Constitution before the war, but its formulation process is in accordance with the constitutional amendment procedure of the old constitution. On the other hand, the current Japanese Constitution has been drafted by the General Headquarters (GHQ) at the time, so it is the "foreign constitution" just as in the case of Taiwan. The essence of the constitution from the Meiji constitution to the Japanese Constitution is absolutely constitutional, and the exclusion of the "foreign constitution" to make its own constitution is absolutely constitutional, because the two are completely different in content and meaning without continuity. If you pay attention to the actual and not formal form, then as long as the content meets the needs, even the constitutional name does not need to be changed. This article is only based on the "constitution power." The foundation is to explore the theory of constitutionalism and constitutional revision in which Japan is actually intertwined with the form.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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