


American Political Integration


紀舜傑(Shun-jie Ji)


政治整合 ; 聯邦制 ; 府際關係 ; 波多黎各 ; political integration ; American Federation ; inter-governmental relations ; Puerto Rico




16卷3期(2020 / 10 / 31)


69 - 88






The main purpose of this paper is to examine the political integration of the United States of America since the Confederation era to these days. The major issues include how federal government and state governments work to agree with all legal responsibilities and rights. Also how the new states were included with the federation. According to the Constitution, most of people's daily lives are under regulations of state governments not of the federal governments. However, the interstate affairs demand the latter one's involvements to facilitate collaboration. Therefore the intergovernmental issues sometimes appear to be conflicts among these different levels of governments. Among them, Puerto Rico played an unique role with status of being neither state nor independent commonwealth. It became American's Achilles Tendon on human rights and self-determination, in which colony status indeed hurt the American's moral image.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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