


Difficulties in Water Governance in the Mekong River Basin under the Dam Surge: A Case Study of Vietnam


李欣欣(Hsin-Hsin Lee)


湄公河 ; 大壩 ; 區域合作 ; 非傳統安全 ; 水域治理 ; Mekong River ; dam ; regional cooperation ; non-traditional security ; water governance




18卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


141 - 165






This article takes Vietnam in the lower Mekong River as an example to discuss the difficulties that Vietnam is currently facing. Because dams are mostly built in upstream river valleys, there are various impacts from upstream and downstream. The construction of the dam means that a certain area of land will be submerged, which will lead to the relocation of many villages and the resettlement of residents; at the same time, it also makes the downstream countries which are full of anxiety about being deprived of resources worry about the rational use of river resources and the reduction of water sources. Based on various research reports and field visits to the Mekong River, this article finds out that Vietnam faces various water governance difficulties, mainly including the reduction of water sources after the construction of the dam, the downstream drought, the erosion of riverbanks caused by the reduction of sediment, and the salinization of soil caused by the reduction of the groundwater level. The corresponding strategies adopted by Vietnam are to make good use of canal irrigation systems, popularize running water, strictly control river sand mining and preserve floodplains, add new goals to address climate change and sustainable development in regulations, and use regional organizations, information platforms, active coordination, etc., to strengthen regional cooperation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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