


Normative Power Europe: How Does the GDPR Display in Foreign Trade of the EU?


魏子迪(Tzuti Wei)


歐盟規範性權力 ; GDPR ; 跨境資料流通 ; 歐盟對外貿易 ; Normative Power Europe ; GDPR ; cross-border data flow ; EU's foreign trade




18卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


167 - 184




本文以Ian Manners所提的「規範性權力」理論為切入點,藉以分析歐盟如何透過『一般資料保護規則』,在其對外貿易的相關事務,展現其所謂的「規範性權力」。近來數位貿易隨著資料的自由流通而蓬勃發展,「隱私」以及「資料保護」相關的課題在國際貿易中,亦愈形重要且備受關注。若當個人資料保護的基本權利與經濟發展的自由貿易產生衝突時,兩者間如何取得平衡,而歐盟又是如何藉以發揮或展現其「規範性權力」在與第三國的貿易協定之中。長期以來,歐盟作為全球社會行為者,一直被視為是解決全球問題的積極力量,透過經濟甚且政治而非傳統的軍事武力手段來發揮其影響力,其主要目的乃在展現或推廣其所賴以堅持的信念與價值,進而形成一種塑造全球社會中「規範」的能力。


Based on the theory of normative power proposed by Ian manners, this article analyzes how the EU shows its so-called normative power in its foreign trade related affairs through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Recently, digital trade has flourished with the free flow of data. Issues related to privacy and data protection have become more and more important and attracted much attention in international trade. When the fundamental rights of personal data protection conflicts with the free trade of economic development, how can the balance be achieved between them, and how can the EU exert or show its "normative power" in its trade agreements with third countries? For a long time, as a global actor, the EU has been regarded as positive force to solve global problems. It exerts its influence through economic and even political rather than traditional military means. Its main purpose is to show or promote the beliefs and values it relies on, and then form an ability to shape the norm in the global society.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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