


Not Just Only One Silk Road: The Yunnan-Myanmar Path Has Been Opened for a Long Time


嚴智宏(Chih-hung Yen)


絲綢之路 ; 陸上絲綢之路 ; 海上絲綢之路 ; 蜀身毒道 ; 滇緬之路 ; Silk Road ; Silk Road on Land ; Maritime Silk Road ; Shu-India Road ; Yunnan-Myanmar Path




18卷4期(2022 / 12 / 01)


79 - 98






At least three or four roads of economic and cultural exchange between the East and West (or, narrowly speaking, between India and China) had existed around the beginning of the Common Era. The first one was the Silk Road on land (sometimes being considered the single and vital one), the second one was the Maritime Silk Road, and the third one was the Shu-India Road (Yunnan-Myanmar Path being a part of it). However, the existence of the Shu-India Road before the Common Era has been questioned by some scholars for the reasons that its geographical environments were dangerous, the economic standards along the road were very low, and many barriers and obstacles were along the Road. On the basis of ancient documents and modern archaeological excavations as well as recent research results, this paper argues that the Shu-India Road, at least the Yunnan-Myanmar Path, did exist before the Common Era. No matter how dangerous the environments and conditions were, no matter how low the economic standards were, and no matter how many barriers there were, they could not suppress the human instinct to survive, nor could they stop the human will to communicate with each other, to exchange goods with each other, and to pursue profits.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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