
緬甸開放改革與農村的巨變:撣邦東枝Naung Lay村落個案


Myanmar's Opening and Rural Changes: A Case Study of Naung Lay Village Tract in Taunggyi, Shan State


彭霓霓(Ni-Ni Peng)


緬甸開放 ; 經濟改革 ; 農村變遷 ; 去農民化 ; 再農民化 ; Myanmar's opening ; economic reform ; rural changes




18卷4期(2022 / 12 / 01)


99 - 120




2011年,緬甸軍方在形式上以文人政府的姿態開始執政,當時在經濟與政治自由化方面展現高度企圖心,並實行一系列的改革,尤其著重在使緬甸步入自由經濟市場的軌道。封閉了50多年的國門,在民主化、自由化加上低廉的勞動力成本等條件下開啓了與世界的接軌,吸引大量國外投資,提高國內經濟成長;這個時期爲城市居民帶來更多的工作機會和現代化生活方式;然而另一方面,又對於偏鄉農村的農民造成如何的改變與影響?本研究以緬甸撣邦首府東枝市邊陲的Naung Lay村落作爲研究地點;並使用半結構式的訪談、觀察和問卷方式,試圖勾勒出國家發展的宏觀經濟政策下造成的影響,以及微觀下草根農民如何應變。這也是緬甸農民在面臨突如其來的「現代化」社會環境中,所遭遇諸多變遷中的部分重要面向。更甚者,Naung Lay村農民的經驗故事正是撣邦與緬甸社會中,高達60-70%弱勢農民家庭的縮影。開放後爲緬甸帶來自獨立以來,國內資金和經濟發展最蓬勃的時期;工業投資對於土地的需求與日遽增,導致工業用地以外的建地和農地的土地價格也隨之上漲。Naung Lay村民們在土地價格的誘使下,拋售農地以建造現代磚屋,購買汽車、機車、電子和3C用品,搭上看似使整體人民皆受益的經濟政策。然而遺憾的是,2017年,經濟轉型未能如預期般持續,村落中的土地買賣熱潮退卻後,已經變賣農地、棄農的農民們,雖然有些成功轉而經營小買賣,但有些只能到更遠的地方,或是在已賣出的土地上,再重新耕種,而出現特殊的「再農民化」現象。Naung Lay村落在農地商品化後,農村的樣貌也從農地包圍鄉村的一幕,轉變成農地規劃爲住宅的格子地包圍鄉村的一幕。


In 2011, a formally civilian government was installed in Myanmar, which implemented a series of economic, administrative, and political reforms, focusing on the transition to a liberal market economy. After being closed for 50 years, fast domestic economic growth brought for many urban residents improved job opportunities, and acquainted them with a "modern" lifestyle. The study uses semi-structured interviews, observations, and questionnaires to try to outline the local impact of the overall macro-level national development economic policies, and how peasants respond to these changes. The experience of the many changes encountered by Myanmar farmers in the face of sudden "modernization" of the economic and social environment during this decade is highlighted. After 2017, the economic transformation slowed and the upsurge in land sales in the village subsided. Some farmers who had sold their farmland and had abandoned their farming, got involved in micro-business, others went further afield to new agricultural frontiers, and some restarted farming the land which they had sold, resulting in a specific process of re-peasantization.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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