In 2011, a formally civilian government was installed in Myanmar, which implemented a series of economic, administrative, and political reforms, focusing on the transition to a liberal market economy. After being closed for 50 years, fast domestic economic growth brought for many urban residents improved job opportunities, and acquainted them with a "modern" lifestyle. The study uses semi-structured interviews, observations, and questionnaires to try to outline the local impact of the overall macro-level national development economic policies, and how peasants respond to these changes. The experience of the many changes encountered by Myanmar farmers in the face of sudden "modernization" of the economic and social environment during this decade is highlighted. After 2017, the economic transformation slowed and the upsurge in land sales in the village subsided. Some farmers who had sold their farmland and had abandoned their farming, got involved in micro-business, others went further afield to new agricultural frontiers, and some restarted farming the land which they had sold, resulting in a specific process of re-peasantization.
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