Burma is a multi-ethnic country, with the Burmese being the main ethnic group and constituting the majority. Unfortunately, the nation-building process of Burma has been characterized by a high degree of political instability due to the exclusion of ethnic minorities and increased demands for local autonomy. The purpose of this article is to examine the rationale behind Burma's non-alignment policy from the British colonial period to Burma's independence by examining Burma's political histography. The article argues that domestic factors (Burmese and minority tensions) and foreign interference (British colonialism, Japanese invasion and Kuomintang troops in Burma) shaped Burma's strategic culture and the perception that Burmese elites hold of the non-alignment policy. This article has found that during his tenure in Burma following independence, Wu Nu mainly prioritized internal political insurgency, including the Karen National Union and the Burma Communist Party. Meanwhile, he actively participated in international affairs through bilateralism and multilateralism, which led to him maintaining diplomatic autonomy and independence and moving away from the Cold War rivalry between the two major powers, namely the USA and Russia, thus opposing colonialism and advocating peaceful coexistence. Lastly, neutralism constituted the core value of the non-aligned foreign policy of Wu Nu, leading to a spirit of partnership rather than alliance, which mitigated the possibility of involvement in Cold War conflicts and prevented foreign intervention.
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