


Response to the Article "Discrimination and Analysis of the Bibliography That Should Be Indicated in 'Minami Haizan' of Dictionary of Taiwan History"


許雪姬(Hsu Hsueh-chi)


陳君愷 ; 學術爭議 ; 原手史料 ; 《臺灣歷史辭典》 ; 南拜山 ; Chun-Kai Chen ; scholarly dispute ; original sources ; Dictionary of Taiwan History ; Minami Haizan




19卷2期(2023 / 07 / 01)


167 - 182






The main object of this article is to refute the article by Chun-Kai Chen, entitles "Discrimination and Analysis of the Bibliography That Should Be Indicated in 'Minami Haizan' of Dictionary of Taiwan History," which was published in the present journal on March 1, 2023. On surface, that article seems to indicate only that the reference of the "Minami Haizan" item should be his work. However, what he really meant are follows: 1. That 55% of the content of the item which I wrote plagiarizes his previous work. 2. When was the first issue of the journal Chinese Imperial China Medicine (han-wen huang-han yi chieh) published? Since only issues after issue 16 of the journal are preserved, Chen claimed that date of the publication of the first issue was the result of his examination thus a scholarly contribution. For the first point, this article cites materials from the journal Chinese Imperial China Medicine (which was renamed Taiwan Chinese Medicine in July 1930), i.e., every phrase of this article has its concrete source. Secondly, I had found an article entitles "The Publication of the First Issue of Chinese Imperial China Medicine," on p. 4 of the November 25, 1928 night issue of Taiwan Daily News, which says that the first issue of the Journal was published on November 20, 1928. Thus, the publication date of the first issue really needs no Chen's "professional examination." Above indicates that the charge of plagiarism by Chen is not a fact.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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