The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA), otherwise known as the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Association of South East Asian Nation, officially began on 1 January 2010. This region, including China and 10 ASEAN countries, with a USD 6 trillion GDP and a USD 4.5 trillion trade volume, has now entered into an era where there are almost no tariffs on trade. Indeed, 90% of the trade between China and six ASEAN members, namely, Brunei, The Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore, has a zero tariff level.In 2003, China and Thailand signed the 'Early Harvest' plan, within the (then) forthcoming CAFTA framework, which eliminated tariffs on 188 kinds of vegetables and fruits traded between China and Thailand. After the implementation of the 'Early Harvest' plan, there were high expectations of rapid improvement in the trade of agricultural products trade between the two countries, and Yunnan was the center of the trade focus due to its geographical location and resource advantages.Expectations were not met, however. There have been more problems than successes in the trade in agricultural products between Yunnan and ASEAN. Given the implementation of CAFTA, however, what can we expect of the trade in agricultural products between Yunnan and ASEAN? How can the two countries deal with the problems demonstrated by the 'Early Harvest' plan? Does the 'Early Harvest' plan indicate that full implementation of CAFTA will be problematic?
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