


WTO's Multi-layered Control on Trade Retaliation




劉筱萌(Xiao-Mong Liu)


世界貿易組織 ; WTO執行機制 ; DSU改革 ; 授權報復 ; WTO ; Dispute Settlement Body ; Appellate Body ; authorized retaliation mechanism


Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies


23期(2013 / 09 / 01)


111 - 164






For the multilateral dispute settlement system of World Trade Organization (WTO), implementation is the last part of the multilateral dispute settlement and is an essential element to settling disputes in the multilateral trading system. Without the implementation of the ruling, such a system would thus turn to be futile. In regard to the challenges relating to ruling’s implementation, perhaps the most controversial problem is the authorized retaliation mechanism.This article attempts to analyze in depth the challenges faced in the WTO’s authorized retaliation mechanism, particularly its institutional defects. The article starts with proposals made by developing nations to reform the authorized retaliation mechanism. Finally, this paper puts forth several new proposals for more favorable as well as efficient approaches towards the authorization of the retaliation mechanism in the WTO.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
  1. European Communities – Regime for the Importation, Sales and Distribution of Bananas, WT/DS27/52, 9 November 1999, p. 3
  2. EC, TN/DS/W/1, p. 17 at para 25.
  3. US-Byrd Amendment (Article 22.6 – US), paras 1.15-1.16,paras 3.20-3.30, 3.53, 3.54
  4. UN 年度人類發展指數各國排名, http://www.sinovision.net/news.php?act=details&news_id=35335, 訪問日期2010 年12 月20 日
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  7. US-1916 Act (EC) (Article 22.6-US), para 2.1, paras 5.40-5.44
  8. Office of the United States Trade Representative, Implementation of WTO Recommendations Concerning EC—Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Docket No. 301-62a, 1999.
  9. Japan, TN/DS/W/32, p. 7 at para 6.
  10. Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22:6 of the DSU - Decision of the Arbitrator, United States - Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services (US -Gambling), WT/DS285/ARB, 21 December 2007, para 6.1
  11. US-Byrd Amendment (EC) (Article 22.6-EC), para 2.2-2.10, paras 3.20-3.30, 3.53, 3.54, 3.22
  12. Ecuador, TN/DS/W/33, p. 4.
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  15. Negotiations on the Dispute Settlement Understanding Proposed by the LDC Group, TN/DS/W/17, October 2002.
  16. US-Subsidies on Upland Cotton, Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM, paras.3.9, 3.22, 3.30-32, 3.37, 3.50, 3.52-62, 3.64,para.5.129.
  17. United States - Measures Affecting the Cross-border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/4, 30 January 2004
  18. DSU第3條第7款,Art. 22.3 (d ), 21.5, 22.3 (b), (c), 22.8
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  21. EC-Hormones (Canada) (Article 22.6-EC), para 7, para 37, 68, 72-73 (11.3 million CDND per year)
  22. US – FSC (Article 22.6-US), paras 6.2, 8.1 (an amount based on the amount expended by the US in granting subsidy
  23. Section I.A.1.c (iii) above
  24. Permanent Mission of Zambia on behalf of the LDC Group, Communication, TN/DS/W/17 (Oct.9, 2002)..
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  27. EC Hormones (US) (Article 22.6-EC), paras 7-12, para 38, 78, para 9, paras 83-84 (116.8 million USD per year)
  28. Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the Dispute Settlement Understanding, Dispute Settlement Body Special Session, TN/DS/W/23, 4 November 2002, at p.5-6.
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