
The nexus between khat/miraa-trafficking and al-shabab's Terrorist activities in Kenya and its implications






肯林(Kennedy G. Ondieki)


Al-shabab enterprise ; khat-trafficking ; khatnomics ; Somalia failed state ; clash of civilizations ; counter-terrorism strategies ; Kenyan terror attacks ; Somali pirates in Shimo la Tewa prison ; AMISOM ; Daadab refugee camp ; Horn of Africa ; Kenyatta government ; 青年黨 ; 肯亞 ; 恐怖主義 ; 東非 ; 販毒 ; 聖戰士


Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies


32期(2020 / 03 / 01)


25 - 58




This article is informed by two paradigms-the failed state logic (Hobbes in Somalia) and the clash of civilizations theory (Huntington in Mogadishu. This article examines how drug-trafficking (khat/miraa) support jihadists groups and finances al-shabab's terrorist activities in around the Horn of Africa and in particular Kenya. The questions raised include: Is there a nexus between khat-trafficking and al-shabab terrorism in the Horn of Africa and beyond? Can Kenya successfully counter al-shabab without weaning khat-trafficking from al-shabab jihadists? How has the UN-AU-Kenya joint-military operations reduced the threat of transnational organized crimes and al-shabab in Africa? The article is organized as follows: Section one examines the genesis of al-shabab; section two discusses the theories that inform the network; section three focuses on khatnomics and the recruiting narratives of al-shabab; section four critically analyzes the nexus between khat/miraa business and terrorism; section five examines counter-measures; section six analyzes the UN-AU-Kenya joint-military and strategic collaborations against the threats of al-Qaeda-shabab and section seven provides conclusions and recommendations on how the Kenyatta administration can effectively confront al-shabab's terrorist activities in Kenya, Africa and beyond.


本文主旨在應用國際關係的政經失敗國家邏輯(failed state logic)與文明衝突(clash of civilizations)理論兩個典範(paradigms)來探討販毒如何支持聖戰士(jihadists)與索馬利亞青年黨al-shabab)好戰分子在東非的恐怖活動。論析將聚焦於三個問題:販毒與青年黨恐怖主義是否有關連?肯亞是否能成功地反擊青年黨?美國與東非的戰略合作是如何減少青年黨的威脅?全文分為七節,第一節回顧青年黨的緣起;第二節論及相關的理論及其關連性;第三節聚焦於當地一種可以嚼食提神但會上癮的植物葉子(khat/miraa)暨其所衍生出的經濟(khatnomics)及青年黨是如何利用販賣khat來吸收成員;第四節剖析販毒(khat)與恐怖主義的關連性;第五節檢視肯亞總統甘耶達(Kenyatta)政府的因應對策;第六節分析美國與東非的戰略反恐(al-qaeda-shabab)合作;第七節則為結論與建言肯亞如何該才能有效地對應索馬利亞青年黨的威脅。

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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