


Analysis of Product Levels of Leisure Industry-A Case Study of Taiwan B&B Service Quality




林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin)


民宿 ; 服務品質 ; 二維品質模式 ; 魅力品質 ; 產品層次 ; Bed and Breakfast B&B ; Service Quality ; Two-way Quality Model ; Attractive Quality ; Product Level




1卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


145 - 168




消費者導向的時代,滿足消費者需求是必然趨勢,而掌握消費者需求的重點,更是企業成功與否關鍵。民宿(Bed and Breakfast, B&B),以接近大自然的另一個家,召喚對都市疲憊的人們於此得到心靈上短暫的休憩,其經營方式以人際間的互動為主要訴求,因此確認遊客對民宿品質之真正想法與認知為民宿業者重要的工作。本研究應用二維品質模式分析民宿品質之產品層次,研究顯示出民宿品質具有二維特性,藉由魅力品質、線性品質、無差異品質、當然品質與反向品質的分類,來辨識顧客對品質屬性之實際涵義;其品質改善指標可瞭解品質要素改善後,對提升顧客滿意與否之影響,以作為民宿業者改善服務品質之依據。本研究顯示民宿的二維品質特性,可歸類成17項「當然品質」,13項「魅力品質」,5項「線性品質」,業者提供越具獨特競爭力之魅力服務,越能吸引遊客前來住宿。


Understanding customers' needs is the key to provide satisfying products and services in business operations. Bed and Breakfast (B&B) differs from hotels on the ways of business operations since B&B emphasizes on interactions between hosts and customers, passionate and personalized services. Kano two-way model is useful on identifying quality elements and understanding customer's real needs and opinions on B&B product levels. In this study, we apply the Kano model to analyze B&B two-way quality and deliver suggestions to B&B proprietors. We also use improvement index to analyze how quality improvement effects customer's satisfaction. After investigation, we found that these quality elements reveal two-dimensional characteristics, including 17 must-be quality elements, 13 attractive quality elements, and 5 one-dimensional quality elements. B&B offering unique customized services attracts more tourists and is viewed as most competitive.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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