


A Study of Relationship Marketing Activity and Members Commitments on Members Behaviors




林陽助(Yang-Chu Lin)


關係行銷 ; 會員承諾 ; 會員行為 ; Relationship Marketing ; Members Commitments ; Members Behaviors




1卷2期(2005 / 09 / 01)


131 - 182




本研究主要在探討會員制俱樂部之各類關係行銷活動對於會員行為之影響,並且係透過三個層次組合承諾的中介影響。為了達成上述目的,本研究選定調查對象為亞力山大休閒健康俱樂部之全體會員,並以根據國外學者微幅修改而成之問卷為工具,採便利抽樣之方式至各大分部進行抽樣調查。本研究採用的分析方法主要由敘述統計來分析樣本結構,再透過LISREL分析各構面間之因果關係與影響程度。 經研究結果發現: 1.不同構面之承諾之中介效果顯著,其中以認同於該俱樂部而心理附屬於該俱樂部之情感承諾影響效果最大,而組織知識的擴散對情感承諾的影響效果最強。 2.不同的關係行銷活動係透過不同構面的承諾來對會員行為產生影響,尤以關係終結成本對持續承諾之影響程度最大。 3.會員制俱樂部會員對於俱樂部之核心服務表現有相當高之期望,故核心服務對於會員之承諾與行為之影響程度不顯著時,可利用赫芝伯格雙因子理論解釋之。


In this thesis, we conceptualize and empirically examine the influence of membership associations' relationship marketing activities toward members' behaviors, which are mediated by the three components of commitment. To achieve objectives, Alexander Health Club's members are selected to be the investigated population, besides, questionnaire which adapted from the foreign scholars is used to test in the way of convenience sampling in all main branch of Alexander Health Club. Descriptive statistics analyze the sample structure, and through the LISREL we can be found the causal influence relationship of all constructs. The empirical results show as: 1. The mediating effect of different component of commitments is significant, above all, the influence of affective commitment which comes from recognizing the club and then psychologically attach to the club is the strongest. Especially the influence of ”dissemination of organization knowledge” towards the affective commitment. 2. The influence of different relationship marketing activities toward memberships' behaviors are mediated by the different components of commitment, especially the influence of ”relationship termination costs” toward continuous commitment. 3. The members of the membership club have quite higher expectation toward the ”core service performance”. As the result, the influence of ”core service performance” toward members' commitments and behaviors are not significant. Herzberg's two factor theory can be used to explain in this thesis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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  4. LISREL操作說明
  5. 網站台北生命協會網站
  6. 經濟部中小企業處
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