


Customer Relationship Using Internet in Service Industry




李正文(Cheng-Wen Lee);劉晏尚(Yeng-Sheng Liu)


關係行銷 ; 網際網路特性 ; 口碑 ; Relationship Marketing ; Internet Characteristics ; Word-of-Mouth




3卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


25 - 60




本研究主要是探討服務業應用網際網路特性對於顧客關係之影響。研究 方法採問卷調查方式,以經由網際網路使用服務業所提供產品或服務之消費 者為調查對象,為了比較分析,分別取樣於台灣北部、中部、南部三個都會 地區,有效回收問卷共300份。並以LISREL來分析網際網路特性與顧客滿 意度、信任、承諾、顧客忠誠度、口碑傳播之相關性。結果發現各都會地區 呈現部分差異化,但就台灣整體而言,其結論為:(1)網際網路特性與顧客滿 意度、信任間有顯著正相關;(2)顧客信任與滿意度、承諾間有有顯著正相關;(3)顧客滿意度與承諾、忠誠度、口碑傳播間均有顯著正相關;(4)顧客承諾與忠誠度間有顯著正相關;(5)顧客忠誠度與口碑傳播間有顯著正相關。


This paper attempts to examine whether the use of Internet influence the customer relationship in service industry. In facing the business environment of new economical period, many organizations are already changing their business processes and building technology solutions that enable them to acquire new customers, retain existing ones, and maximize their lifetime value. We use the questionnaires to survey 300 customers who have the experience to use the Internet in north region, middle region, and south region in Taiwan, and then analyze the relationships among the characteristics of the Internet, trust, commitment, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth using LISREL model. The result findings include: (1)the characteristics of the Internet have positive effects on trust and satisfaction; (2)satisfaction has positive effects on commitment, loyalty, and word-of-mouth; (3)trust has positive effects on satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty; (4)commitment has a positive effect on loyalty; (5) loyalty has a positive effect on word-of-mouth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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