


The Relationship among Sales Promotions, Customer Benefits and Customer Behavior-A Study of Airline Industry




謝依靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh);邱瓊惠(Chiung-Huei Chiu)


促銷 ; 顧客利益 ; 關係導向 ; Sales Promotion ; Customer Benefits ; Relational Orientations




3卷2期(2007 / 09 / 01)


1 - 30




現階段的航空業者莫不積極推動各種促銷方案,以吸引消費者的注意。然而消費者是否能知覺到促銷方案所帶來的顧客利益(功利性利益和快樂性利益),並且顧客利益是否會進一步影響顧客行為,值得深入探討。本研究進一步將消費者區分為高度關係導向和低度關係導向,探討顧客關係導向程度的不同,是否會影響顧客利益與顧客行為之間的關聯性。 實證結果顯示,不同的促銷方案對於消費者而言,會形成不同的顧客利益。而不同關係導向的顧客對於促銷方案所帶來的顧客利益之知覺程度亦不相同。對於高度關係導向的消費者來說,贈品、抽獎和會員專屬服務能夠帶來快樂性利益,提供他們美好的經驗與感受,並且能夠進一步影響消費者的行為。對於低度關係導向的消費者來說,他們能夠知覺到價格折扣所帶來的功利性利益以及聯合促銷所帶來的快樂性利益,並且進一步提升消費者搭機選擇的意願。


As the competition in airline industry is substantially increasing, promotion schemes are raised to attract customers. This study explores if customers perceive the benefits of promotions (utilitarian and hedonic benefits), and if these benefits affect their behaviors. This study segments customers into high and low relational groups according to whether or not the customer is a member of the airlines. Using structural equation analysis, we analyze the relationships among the various promotion plans, the customer benefits and customer behavior for high and low relational oritation customers. For high relational customers, they perceive the hedonic benefits from premiums, prizes and special services, and affect customer behaviors. For low relational customers, they perceive the utilitarian benefits from price discount and hedonic benefits from joint promotion that, furthermore, increases the loyalty towards the airline.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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