


The Comparison Research of Satisfaction Index




簡德金(Te-King Chien);鄭煒才(Wei-Cai Jheng);簡子睿(Tzu-Jui Chien)


滿意度 ; 指標 ; 比較研究 ; 手機功能 ; Satisfaction ; Index ; Comparison Research ; Mobile Phone Function




4卷2期(2008 / 09 / 01)


149 - 175




由於,顧客滿意度能具體呈現顧客需求傾向,及作爲企業獲利與競爭優勢之重要參考指標。故近年來,有不少學者相繼提出各種指標,並證明該指標的實用性。但從各指標之意義與計算過程,卻難免令人懷疑,各指標所提供的分析結果,是否具有一致性。 爲此,本研究透過(1)文獻回顧,以說明四種類別八項指標之意涵、運算公式與適用性;(2)比較各類及其滿意度指標之間的優缺點;(3)透過行動電話功能構面與項目之實際調查,檢驗各功能項目在不同指標下,改善順位的一致性;(4)討論調查結果所呈現之意涵,以說明及比較目前學者所提出指標之特性與優缺點。研究結果顯示,各類指標之易用度,依序是第I類、第Ⅱ類,以及第Ⅲ、Ⅳ類。而預測能力之精確度上,依序是第Ⅲ類、第Ⅳ類、第Ⅱ類,以及第I類。但總體而言,各指標下所提供的改善順位,呈現莫衷一是的現象。而這樣的結果,不僅令人懷疑各學者所提出滿意度指標的合理性,同時,也令決策者無所依循。


In terms of customer satisfaction can present concretely customer’s demand trend and is also the important reference index with enterprise profit and competition. So the recent years, many scholars propose all kinds of indexes to approve the practicability of the aforesaid index. But from the meaning and calculation process of each index, cause unavoidably doubt, what each index provide analysis result, whether has consistency. Therefore this research will: (1) look through the document review to explain the meaning, operation formula and serviceability of four categories and eight indexes; (2) compare all kind of advantage and disadvantage between the satisfaction indices; (3) through the actual survey of mobile phone function factors (items), examine each function item under the different index, how about the consistency of improvement order; (4) discuss the meaning of survey result to explain and compare the strength and weakness of index characteristics that scholars proposed. The results of research show that the easy use of all kind of indices is from category I, Ⅱ then category Ⅲ and Ⅳ; but from the accuracy of estimating ability, is from category Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and I. In generally, the improvement order that each index provide, present different view, such as result, not only cause suspicion the rationality of satisfaction that each scholar propose, in the meantime, also makes the decision-maker no way to follow.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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