


Relationships among Consumption Experience, Trust and Members' Behaviors of Physical Channel in Direct Selling Companies




黃建榮(Chien-Jung Huang);戴鄂(Eh Di);吳曉玲(Hsiao-Ling Wu)


消費體驗 ; 信任 ; 會員行爲 ; 直銷 ; 實體通路 ; Consumption Experience ; Trust ; Members' Behaviors ; Direct Selling ; Physical Channel




4卷2期(2008 / 09 / 01)


57 - 83




因應體驗經濟時代的來臨,2004年起,數家知名直銷公司將通路延伸至實體店鋪,顯見消費體驗將在直銷策略管理中扮演著相當重要的角色。而直銷產業雖已將通路延伸至實體店鋪,但對體驗行銷對會員購後行爲的影響仍然缺乏系統性的調查。因此本文以量化實證方式建立在體驗行銷下之消費體驗模型,並將其應用於直銷產業,希冀對此一學術領域與實務提出具體貢獻。 本文以已導入實體店鋪之直銷公司的直銷會員爲對象,整體共回收547份有效問卷,以檢視直銷會員之消費體驗、信任與會員行爲間之關係,並利用因素分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析,研究結果發現:(1)消費體驗會正向影響直銷會員對直銷公司的信任;(2)消費體驗會正向影響直銷會員之會員行爲;(3)直銷會員對直銷公司的信任會正向影響會員行爲;(4)信任在消費體驗與會員行爲之間具部份仲介效果。


To confront the coming of era of experience economics, consumption experience will play a more important role in direct selling strategy. Therefore, several famous direct selling companies have developed physical channels since 2004. But we still have to know how consumption experience affects members' behaviors. To fill this gap, this research serves as a pilot study to test his model in direct selling industry quantitatively and empirically. From the aspect, we intended to explore the relationships among consumption experience, trust and members' behaviors of physical channel in direct selling companies. This study adopts questionnaires to survey the distributors of direct selling companies. 917 questionnaires were sent out, in which 547 were effective. The data analysis methods include reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and related statistical investigation procedures. The findings are as follows: First of all, consumption experience has significant positive influence on trust. Secondly, consumption experience has significant positive influence on members' behaviors. Thirdly, trust has significant positive influence on members' behaviors. Finally, trust has partial intervening effect between consumption experience and members' behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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