


The Influence Effects of Physical and Online Channel on Consumers' Behavior and Satisfaction-A Study of Female Cosmetic




吳淑鶯(Shwu-Ing Wu);詹琇如(Hsiu-Ju Chan)


服務品質 ; 態度 ; 購買意圖與行為 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; Service Quality ; Attitude ; Purchase Intention and Behavior ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty




5卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


149 - 174




本研究以實體及網路通路型態作為影響因素來探討其在消費者之服務品質認知、態度、購買意圖與行為、滿意度及忠誠度等關係間的影響,並進行女性保養品之實證。 研究結果發現實體與網路通路型態會影響消費者服務品質認知、態度、購買意圖與行為、滿意度與忠誠度的整體關係。資料分析顯示實體商店之消費群在各構面之認同程度皆大於網路商店;然而,除購買意圖與行為影響滿意度的強度以實體商店之較高之外,大部份構面間的關係以網路商店較強,故當網路商店業者加強服務品質時,消費者之態度、購買意圖與行為、滿意度及忠誠度等的強化效果將會大於實體商店。


This study used physical and virtual (online) channels as influence variables to examine their influence on consumers' perceived service quality, attitude, purchase intention and behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty for female cosmetic products. It was discovered that channel types will influence the relationships between consumers' perceived service quality, attitude, purchase intention and behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty. According to the data analysis, consumer groups of physical stores show a higher level of agreement on all dimensions than those of online stores; however online store feature stronger relationships among most dimensions, except for the influence of purchase intention and behavior on consumers' satisfaction. Thus, when online store operators enhance their service quality, consumers' attitude, purchase intention and behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty can be significantly improved.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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