


The Study on Customer Value and Customer Relationship Management Performance: A Customer-Based Perspective from the Banking Industry in Taiwan




林南宏(Nan-Hong Lin);何幸庭(Hsin-Ting Ho)


顧客價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 顧客關係管理 ; Customer Value ; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty ; Customer Relationship Management




5卷2期(2009 / 09 / 01)


1 - 36




銀行業近年來競爭日趨白熱化,各銀行必須找出影響顧客價值的因素以制定有效的競爭策略,使顧客產生較高的認知價值方能轉化成提升顧客忠誠度的動力,如此方有競爭優勢。 本研究以臺灣地區各家銀行的往來顧客群做爲研究母體。銀行的選擇是以2005年商業周刊所列示的一千大金融業排名爲基準,從前三十名(由高至低)中以每十名爲一層級分出三層,各層級再隨機抽取一家銀行做爲各層級的研究對象代表。總計發出900問卷,回收問卷354份,扣除無效問卷後有效問卷295份,有效問卷回收率爲32.77%。 研究結果發現:(1)不同層級顧客群在顧客價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度上並無顯著差異;(2)顧客價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度均具有正向影響關係,其中顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度亦存在正向關係,由此可知顧客滿意度具有完全中介效果;(3)顧客價值中以功能性價值、情緒性價值、感受到的犧牲對顧客滿意度影響相對較大;(4)顧客價值中以社會性價值對顧客忠誠度影響相對較大。


Given the banking industry has undergone intense competition in recent years, each bank must identify factors that affect customer value in order to set up effective competitive strategies. This study deals with the issues regarding customer value and the performance of customer relationship management in Taiwan's banking industry. The selection of the three banks studied was stratified from the top 30 of Business Weekly’s 2005 1000-top listing of the banking industry. Nine hundred questionnaires were distributed, with 354 copies returned. Not counting invalid copies, a valid return rate of 32.77% was reached. The study finds that: (1) The 3 banks' customers have no significant difference in terms of their perceived customer value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. (2) The customer value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, while the customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty as well, which proves that the customer satisfaction has a complete mediator effect in the relationship. (3) The functional value, emotional value and perceived sacrifice among customer value impact customer satisfaction more than social value does. (4) The social value has a stronger effect on customer loyalty than other three factors of customer value have.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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