


A Study of the Relationships among Consumer Consumption Experience, Satisfaction, and Loyalty for the Group Package Tour




孫德修(Te-Hsiu Sun);趙正敏(Cheng-Min Chao);陳家祥(Chia-Hsiang Chen);張煌基(Huang-Chi Chang)


團體套裝旅遊 ; 消費體驗 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; Group Package Tour ; Consumption Experience ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty




7卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


23 - 54






This research adopts Schmitt's Experiential Marketing Mode as a guide. We modify the questionnaire concerning consumer's consumption experience, satisfaction, and loyalty to the Group Package Tour. In addition, this study adopts other questionnaires used by the other scholars. The study targets are Taichung area consumers and 1,200 questionnaires were dispatched to candidates selected at random. This investigation received 723 positive responses yielding a 60.25 percent positive response rate. Questionnaire analysis revealed the following conclusions: (1) Customers from different backgrounds have different satisfaction ratings on the GPT's shopping tour, satisfaction and loyalty. (2) There is a connection between the consumer's consumption experience, satisfaction, and loyalty to the Group Package Tour. (3) There is a connection between the consumer's consumption experience, satisfaction, and loyalty to the Group Package Tour. Based on the results derived, this study proposes a number of managerial suggestions for travel agents to enhance Group Package Tour customers' consumption experience, satisfaction and loyalty. The investigation also makes recommendations for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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