


A Multilevel Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Its Antecedents




婁文信(Wen-Shinn Low);蘇聖珠(Sheng-Chu Su);王如鈺(Ru-Yuh Wang);李政達(Jeng-Da Lee)


顧客滿意 ; 企業形象 ; 顧客價值 ; 服務品質 ; 多層次研究 ; 階層線性模式 ; Customer Satisfaction ; Company Image ; Customer Value ; Service Quality ; Multilevel Research ; HLM




8卷2期(2012 / 09 / 01)


145 - 182




顧客滿意已成為服務業研究的重要議題,但實證研究大都採取單一層次的分析,尤其是在個人層次,較少採多層次的分析。本研究以臺灣地區美髮店顧客為研究對象,進行兩階段分層抽樣,共回收樣本1,189份,採用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Model; HLM)探討顧客滿意與前置變項之關係。研究結果發現,個人層次的服務品質與顧客價值對顧客滿意具有顯著正向的影響;公司層次的企業形象對顧客滿意有直接的系絡影響;企業形象在服務品質構面之客製化服務與顧客滿意之關係中具調節效果,其中,對企業形象較低的店家,其客製化服務與顧客滿意之關聯性高於企業形象較高的店家;企業形象在顧客價值與滿意之關係中亦有調節效果,對企業形象較低的業者而言,其顧客價值與顧客滿意之關聯性強度高於企業形象較高的業者。本研究並針對研究發現在理論與實務之意涵進行討論。


Customer satisfaction has been a major topic in service industry. However most studies adopt a single level analysis, especially an individual level, less attention has paid to multilevel analysis. By two-step stratified sampling from 1,189 consumers in beauty salon shops around Taiwan and by using hierarchical linear modeling, the results of the study show that in an individual level, service quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction. In a company level, company image has a significant and direct impact on customer satisfaction. In a company level, company image moderates the relationship between customized service and customer satisfaction. In particular, the relationship between customized service and customer satisfaction is stronger for the lower imaged than the higher. Company image also moderates the relationship between customer value and customer satisfaction. The relationship between customer value and customer satisfaction is stronger for the lower company image than the higher company image. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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