Pertinent studies on customer satisfaction of F&B industry have shown that most of the scholars hypothesized the effects of service quality attributes on customer satisfaction were linear and the effects of positive or negative performances on customer satisfaction were symmetric. However, the effects of different service quality attributes may have various consequences on customer satisfaction in practice. Some service quality attributes seem to have crucial influences on customer satisfaction; others are not and even provide lots of them cannot satisfy customer. This research quotes Kano's two-dimensional quality concept, converges different scholars' viewpoints and methods, and develops an objective statistical analyzing model to verify the symmetric and non-symmetric effects of each service quality attributes on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, this study uses simple graphical methods to classify the types of service quality attributes. The empirical study in a full service western restaurant find out, (1) when the service quality attributes perform well, the positive average performance of customer satisfaction is better than the negative one. On the contrary, when the service quality attributes perform poorly, the negative average performance of customer satisfaction is better than the positive one. At the same time, the impact of positive and negative performance on customer satisfaction is symmetric. (2) The effects of service quality attributes on total customer satisfaction are not always linear. As a consequence, using one-dimension linear service quality concept to evaluate customer satisfaction could mislead company into inputting too much resources to pursue the law of diminishing marginal utility on customer satisfaction. (3) Kano's five quality attributes exist and can be certified by using logistic regression model; nevertheless, the existence of reverse quality element is only verified by using reverse (poor quality attributes) items. (4) The method which this study uses to separately evaluate the positive and negative performance of service quality attributes, and then to discuss the effects of each service quality attributes on customer satisfaction is the main reason that causes low explanatory power. Therefore, enlarging rating scale of the questionnaire cannot improve the explanatory power. However, the positive and negative performances of service quality attributes are considered as two dummy variables. It is the same as the effects of using the demographical variables in dummy variables regression. As a result, from the statistical viewpoint, when the regression coefficient of the independent variable in regression analysis achieves a significant level, the independent variable has significant influence on dependent variable. The coefficient of R2 is not the key factor.
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