


The Influences of Process Attribute Performance and Product Attribute Performance on Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Effects of Product Involvement and Gender


林素吟(Su-Yin Lin)


顧客滿意 ; 程序屬性 ; 產品屬性 ; 產品涉入程度 ; 性別 ; Customer Satisfaction ; Process Attributes ; Product Attributes ; Product Involvement ; Gender




9卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


79 - 102




企業唯有使顧客滿意才能吸引顧客持續購買,進而與顧客發展長期關係。本研究將影響顧客滿意的屬性分為程序屬性和產品屬性,程序屬性是發生在顧客與服務供應者互動的過程中,而產品屬性是有關於顧客獲得的最終結果。本研究除了探討程序屬性績效和產品屬性績效對顧客滿意的影響,還探討產品涉入程度和性別在程序屬性績效和產品屬性績效對顧客滿意影響的干擾角色。本研究採用Lisrel 8.72進行衡量模式的驗證性因素分析,按著採用SPSS 11.50的GLM單變量程序進行ANOVA分析,以檢測本研究主效果和交互效果的假說。本研究結果顯示:程序屬性績效與產品屬性績效對顧客滿意都有正向的影響,此外,產品涉入程度高的顧客比產品涉入程度低的顧客,產品屬性績效對顧客滿意有更為強烈的影響;還有就是女性的顧客比男性的顧客,程序屬性績效對顧客滿意有更為強烈的影響。


Enterprises only let customers satisfy, in turn attract customers to continue buying and further develop a long relationship with customers. The research divides the affecting attributes of customer satisfaction into process attributes and product attributes. Process attributes occur during the interactive process between customers and their service provider. Product attributes are associated with the acquired final outcomes of customers. In addition to explore the influences of process attribute performance and product attribute performance on customer satisfaction, the research also explores the moderating roles of product involvement and gender in the influences of process attribute performance and product attribute performance on customer satisfaction.The research uses Lisrel 8.72 to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis for the measurement model, and further, uses GLM univariate process in SPSS 11.50 to conduct ANOVA to test the hypotheses regarding the main effects and interaction effects of the research. The results show that the performance of process attribute and product attribute all have positive impacts on customer satisfaction. Moreover, for customers with high product involvement than customers with low product involvement, there is a stronger influence of product attribute performance on customer satisfaction. In addition, female customers than male customers, there is a stronger influence of process attribute performance on customer satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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